Albert Mills - Caneshum Man The World according to Albert Mills

Encyclopedia Mills    Encyclopedia Mills    It's What Keynsham & The Universe Has Been Demanding
Alternative meanings with surreal leanings
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Caution! Knowledge Ahead...
A Glossary Of Tossery
Knowledge! It's a wonderful thing to have and now you can have it too with this handy, cut-out-and-paste guide to Keynsham - including its Motherland of Somerset in England - plus the rest of the Universe too. We've all been to Wikipedia and realised what a load of bull honky most of the information is. The Encyclopedia Mills aims to stop all that fibbing by presenting hard facts and nimble figures with no false padding or nonsense in sight. Anywhere.

Each entry in the Encyclopedia Mills is carefully checked for accuracy and correctness by a leading team of brainy people. So, if you wish to include some or all of the information in your homework, coursework or exam paper, please feel free to do so and fully expect to get an 'A' in your O-Levels as a result. Knowledge is power and power is good for stuff like heating and cooking. Feed your mind and it will feed your belly. In turn, your belly will re-feed your mind and you will have mastered the fine art of Perpetual Knowledge.

Don't forget to call back soon - the Encyclopedia Mills is constantly being updated as new knowledge becomes available to Humanity.

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Each definition in the Encyclopedia Mills comes equipped with a series of nifty icons to show you what category it's in. Hover your mouse over the icons to reveal further information about each specific entry. Warning! Contents may be hot.

Legal Jargon Ahoy!
See also: covering one's ass, ambulance chasers, blame and sue → days since last injunction: 12
The Encyclopedia Mills is provided on a 'yer-it-is' basis, so no blame can be accepted for any loss or damage incurred as a result of its use. If you fail your exams, don't come crying to Albert Mills asking for compensation because you won't get any sympathy from me Sonny-me-lad. If Destiny has determined that a stockroom job at Somerfield is your chosen career path in life, not a Harley Street Cardiologist, then take up the matter with the good people at Destiny.

The names and places referenced in the Encyclopedia Mills have been un-changed in order to protect the truth, and, in many cases, the pleasant absurdity of life in Keynsham. And the rest of the Universe too, which is over there, apparently.

The Encyclopedia Mills is sponsored by Destiny® - "When It's Out Of Your Hands, Leave It To Destiny®."

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