www.albertmills.co.uk → Website mood: jovial satire → Keynsham status: gert lush
reetings fellow citizens of
Keynsham and
The Universe. Albert Mills here, editor of Keynsham's 'other' site -
Could 'Dis Be Cane Shum. Welcome one-and-all to my ever-expanding website, including the
Encyclopedia Mills - a complete guide to life in Keynsham.
Beneath this very paragraph you will notice several small boxes, each containing a series of words describing what's available to you in
The World According To Albert Mills. Click away my babbers. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it. Albert. x
See Also: Mission statement, manifesto, instructions for use → Author status: neo-jocular
The World According To Albert Mills was created with the sole purpose of tickling your chuckle glands. The
Credit Crunch™ has plunged us all into a state of non-smiling-ness, and soon we may be in danger of giving ourselves frowning injuries.
The World According To Albert Mills is a light-hearted take on the World as seen by myself,
Albert Mills, a recovering miserable git. I am not a whistle-blowing megalomaniac. I bear no grudges, nor do I possess enemies. I hope my words come across in the light in which they were originally intended - jovial, satirical and, in the main, not to be taken too seriously.
Younger readers will be alarmed to notice the lack of textual abbreviations and the presence of a mild grasp of grammar. Apologies if this offends you. (Translated:
"Ygr rdrz w-B almd 2C no txt abr + therz bg wrds. Soz if ofd."). If you are the type of person who 'doesn't read all that much', then may I suggest that you click
here. Have fun, be good. Albert. x